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Presidents' spouses

Legacy Remap
First ladies

Harry and Bess Voting

Independence, Mo. President Harry S. Truman holds his ballot in hand as he waits for his wife, Bess, to get her ballot from the clerk as they go to the polls to vote here today. The President and his wife cast their vote in the seventh precinct of Blue Township. Clerk is unidentified. From: Houston Post.

Former President Harry S. Truman leaves for Independence

Former President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman and Margaret Truman, wife and daughter of the former President, leave Washington, D. C. for their home in Independence, Missouri. (Same as 69-567 except not as cropped). They are at Union Station in Washington, D.C. where a crowd surrounds them, holding up signs thanking President Truman. Donor: Hennepin County Historical Society.