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British Official Photo

President Harry S. Truman Salutes the Flag at Ceremonies in Berlin, Germany

President Harry S. Truman and others salute the flag (Flag of Liberation)in Berlin, Germany, where he will speak at flag raising ceremonies. The flag which flew over the Capitol in Washington, D.C., when America entered the war will be hoisted over the headquarters of the U.S. Group Control Council, the former headquarters of the Luftwaffe. The same flag was raised in Rome and is destined to fly over Tokyo. On Truman's right are Generals Patton and Eisenhower. (See also 2007-277 and 66-3441.) President Truman is in Germany for the Potsdam Conference. From: Solomon Bogard.

Truman greets British Prime Minister Attlee at Potsdam, Germany

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, left) greets British Prime Minister Clement Attlee (right) at the conference table at Potsdam, Germany. Seated at the conference table (center) is Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary. Mr. Attlee arrived back in Potsdam, accompanied by Mr. Bevin, to resume the Berlin Conference discussions with President Truman and Marshal Stalin. From: Cyril Clemens, Mark Twain Journal, Kirkwood, Missouri.