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Steussi Printing Company

Winston S. Churchill walks up a European beach with officers and other military personnel

Winston S. Churchill disembarks from a transport boat and walks up a European beach with officers and other unidentified military personnel following. The location and event are unknown. Tracks of military vehicles can be seen in the sand. From: Stuessi Printing Co., 6119 W. 16th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106

Winston S. Churchill landing on a European beach

Winston S. Churchill sits in the stern of a transport boat, surrounded by British officers and other military personnel, after disembarking from an aircraft carrier. The boat will be coming ashore on a European beach. The exact location and event are unknown. The original photo was autographed as follows: "Winston S. Churchill - March 24, 1945." This is a copy. From: Stuessi Printing Co., 6119 W. 16th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64108