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  4. E. C. Daniel in his Zebulon, North Carolina, Drugstore

E. C. Daniel in his Zebulon, North Carolina, Drugstore

Accession Number
8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Black & White
HST Keywords
North Carolina - Zebulon

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Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

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E. C. Daniel (Clifton Daniel's father) in his drugstore in Zebulon, North Carolina. Caption: When a man named Harry S. Truman ran a haberdashery store in Kansas City, Missouri many years ago, the odds were long indeed that his path would ever cross that of another man named E. C. Daniel, who operated a drugstore in Zebulon, North Carolina. But a great deal happened since those days. Mr. Truman went in the White House as President and his daughter, Margaret, won fame in her own right as a singer and entertainer. The son of Mr. Daniel of the drugstore also won fame as a newspaperman at home and abroad, and eventually he met the daughter of Mr. Truman, and so they'll be married next month and the paths of the ex-storekeeper from Kansas City and the ex-storekeeper from Zebulon will intersect on the bridal path. From: Houston Post.

March 14, 1956