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  4. Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

Motion Picture MP2002-449

Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

Administrative Information

73 feet
Running Time
2 minutes 46 seconds
Film Gauge
Black & White
Produced by
Screen Gems in association with Ben Gradus

Dean Acheson relates that resolutions in the United Nations in 1947 and 1948 proposed that Russian and American forces withdraw from Korea. Mr. Acheson states that President Harry S. Truman approved this course of action. Sound only.

1961 - 1963

SD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are available for $20, and HD-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are $50. Copies of motion pictures not already digitized will incur additional costs.

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Please note that this video belongs to a different video collection than the items available to be borrowed by teachers, from our Education Department.

Moving Image Type
Screen Gems

Shot List

Audio file

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Reel 1

0:00   Dean Acheson speaks about Korea: "We felt it was not possible to be in a state of high alert defense in all of these places."
0:30   Mr. Acheson discusses the Korean situation, stating there was a recommendation to call a meeting of the Security Counsel of the United Nations.
1:13   Resolutions in the United Nations in 1947 and 1948 proposed that forces of Russia and the United States should withdraw from Korea. He states that President Truman approved this action and instructed him to pursue this course of action. John Foster Dulles was a member of the United States delegation.
1:20   Mr. Acheson states that President Truman intended to fly back to Washington on a night flight but he (Acheson) advised against that because of dangers involved. He persuaded President Truman to wait until Sunday to return to Washington.
2:00   Mr. Acheson talks about his discussions with the State Department. He said it appeared South Korea was resisting attacks and was moving toward a stronger economic and military position. "Therefore, although we worried about Korea, we did not worry about it any more than we did these other places."