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Mazey, Emil, 1913-1983

President Truman greets and thanks representatives of the CIO Executive Board

President Truman greets and thanks representatives of the CIO Executive Board which endorsed his candidacy for re-election in November. L to R: [front] James B. Carey, Secretary Treasurer of CIO; President Truman; Philip Murray, CIO President; [rear] Emil Mazey, Secretary-Treasurer, UAW; Jack Kroll, PAC Director; and Emil Rieve, President of Textile Workers Union. Mazey and Rieve are partially hidden. Donor: Dorothy Girton Used by Democratic Digest.

President Harry S. Truman Shakes Hands Congress of Industrial Organization Leaders

President Harry S. Truman stands outside the White House with members of the Congress of Industrial Organization's (CIO) Executive Committee shaking their hands in response to their support and promise of financial aid in his election campaign. Standing, from left to right: James B. Carey, Emil Mazey, President Harry S. Truman, Jack Kroll, and Philip Murray. From the scrapbooks of Matthew Connelly, Volume 4.